To Mock or not to Mock, to Shatter or not to Shatter?
I jumped into the gut-wrenching world of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games right before the movie was released. Then I flew through Catching Fire and was amazed that she could write another blow-me-away ending. I've stayed away from any spoilers for Mocking Jay, but still have friends mentioning that someone dies and I won't like it. So for those of you who read the entire series I ask you this - should I stop after Catching Fire? Will I be missing the grand finale or will I be preserving the characters in my mind before the author does them in? To Mock or not to Mock?
And this one, another 4 1/2 stars on Goodreads, but I'm almost a third of the way in and I feel like I'm prying into the mind of a mental patient - it just feels creepy! Yet, most of the reviews I've read rave about this book. Is this one of those books where you have to get to a certain point before it becomes worthy of finishing? To Shatter or not to Shatter?
Help me out here readers - reading time is like gold to me and I want to make the best of it.....
And check back next week for a little gift from me......
I suggest finishing the Hunger Games series. Yes, there is a death in Mocking Jay but I considering the fact that the series is about a society rebelling against its oppressor, death is bound to happen. It keeps the story realistic and believable. This book is a little slower of a read than the first two books, but I did like the ending. It really makes the story feel complete.