
Monday, June 18, 2012

Mom quote me!

     Some parents are proud of their kids when they get good grades. Others are proud of their kids if they have character or lots of friends. Some are proudest when their kid tries his hardest at baseball - even when his team loses by 10 runs. We all love our kids for their uniqueness and quirkiness.

     Off and on, the boys and I will talk about language. It usually starts with one of them making a bad choice of words - then we have the talk.....Which is usually me telling them not to use that word, but not stopping there. I like to make them think....I remind them that they are intelligent and kids that use those same (foul or offensive) words over and over to describe something are not showing how smart they really are. Then we try to find a replacement word.

     I have to say I was astonished when my nine-year-old aspiring "Skater-Dude" was throwing in words like "basically" and "literally" and the cherry on top - he used "Quotation marks" with his fingers (and the appropriate sarcasm) while telling a story about his brother.   
     Oh yeah, that's my boy! Now I have to "I "do that????


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