This gorgeous "Sunshine Award" was given to me by Kathleen over at "Life with 4 Boys" . What a wonderful surprise! Of course something this great needs to be shared so I'm bestowing it on my favorite 12 blogs that bring sunshine to my day. Thanks for all you write, share and comment. The 12 wonderful blogs I will be passing this award on to that are a beautiful ray of Sunshine and helpfulness any day of the week are as follows (in random order):
1.Cleverly Inked
2.Confessions of a Writing Mama
3.Ink Spells
4.Milk and Cookies
5. Book Dreaming
6.Michelle Hodkin
7.Musings of a Palindrome
8.Falen Formulates Fiction
9.The Cappuccino Life
10.The Owl
11.The Chocolate Chip Waffle
The only rules to accepting this award is to post thanking the person who gave it to you and pass it on to 12 other blogs that bring Sunshine into your day!