
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break - Parent's Gone Wild!

After 12 1/2 years of parenthood, Chris and I will be "child-free" for two half-days and one whole day. Can we say, "YAAAAHOOOO!!" As much as we love them and enjoy the funny side of parenthood we all need a break now and then. Here's what's in store...During my 30 hours I am going to:

  • put a cup on the coffee table and go back to find it still upright
  • use the toilet without putting the lid DOWN or wiping it off first
  • watch a movie that doesn't start with PIXAR logos
  • play music loudly without being told I need to shut it off so he can watch "WALL-E"
  • wake up and drink an entire cup of coffee without jumping up to retrieve cereal bowls, etc.
  • eat a sandwich at 10:30 am without being asked, "can you make me one, too" three more times
  • take a bath without being asked to get out and settle a fight or find someone's shoes
  • put on make up without asking the boys, "could you please get out of my make-up drawer?"
  • steal a kiss from my husband without hearing, "ewwwww"
  • get in the car and go to the store, without potty stops, run in and buy ONE thing and dash home.
  • then we are going to join them for the weekend at Grandmas!
What would you do in that short amount of time alone?


  1. Well, that all sounds dreamy! I might add in some scrapbooking without having to scream: "Don't run with my scissors and give me back that adhesive and paper! It's expensive!" But then again, you can only squeeze so much into 30 hours. (angie)

  2. Foiled again! So much for my wild 30 hours at home without the kids. I've been sick with strep throat the entire time! I have about 8 hours left to recouperate, take care of the checkbook and clean before we leave to join them at their grandparent's house. I will say that being sick without having to take care of kids is a whole lot easier though. It's quiet, I slept without my little one jumping on me, and I got to have all the popcicles I wanted without them devouring the entire box after my first one!
